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<b>Complex Systems Seminar</b><br> What Can We Learn From 48,579 Physics Students: Learning Analytics at Michigan<br><b>Speaker: Tim McKay (Arthur F. Thurnau Professor of Physics, U-M)</br></b>

Tuesday, April 3, 2012
4:00 AM
411 West Hall

Speaker: Tim McKay (Arthur F. Thurnau Professor of Physics, U-M)

A new field of Learning Analytics has emerged. Its goal is to deploy technology to collect and collate the richest possible portrait of the progress of students, to mine this data for new insights into what affects student success, and to support an array of interventions aimed at optimizing teaching and learning. In this talk I will give some details of an example done in the Physics Department, speculate about possible futures for this field, and describe a new opportunity for support of learning analytics projects here at Michigan. Higher education is a particularly complex, though structured environment, and I believe research projects of interest to scholars in many areas will be opened by this new initiative.