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The Secondary Mathematics Teaching Certificate program is designed to provide the broad training in mathematics necessary to be a successful teacher of mathematics at the secondary level, grades 7–12. The requirements for a Secondary Teaching Certificate with a major in Mathematics may be met while earning a degree from the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts (A.B., B.S., or B.G.S.) or from the School of Education (A.B. Ed. or B.S. Ed.). Major requirements are identical for all of these degrees, although LSA and Education have somewhat differing language and distribution requirements. LSA degree candidates must earn at least 104 LSA credits and at least 30 Education credits. Please note that the LSA B.S. degree requires 60 credits in physical and natural science and mathematics; students with less than 60 credits are eligible for an A.B. degree. Appointments with a Mathematics Department teaching certificate advisor may be scheduled online. For information specific to the School of Education, students should contact the SoE Office of Student Services, 1228 SEB, 734.764.7563. It is essential that students planning to obtain a teaching certificate consult a teaching certificate advisor, either in Mathematics or Education, prior to beginning their concentration program.
The SoE application deadline for fall term admission to the certification program is February 1. Applications received after Februar1 are reviewed on a rolling basis through May 1. Students are encouranged to apply during their sophomore year. The School of Education will also accept winter term applications received by October 1 of a student's junior year.
Teaching Certificate Subplan Checklist
I. Prerequisites
The math prerequisites for the teaching certificate program are Math 217 and a working knowledge of a high-level computer language (e.g. Fortran, C or C++) at a level equivalent to completion of EECS 183.
II. Basic Courses
The basic courses for a candidate for a teaching certificate consist of one course from each of the following five groups (chosen with the approval of a teaching certificate advisor), completed with a grade of at least a C-:
- Modern Algebra / Number Theory: Math 487
- Geometry: Math 431
- Probability: Math 425 or 525
- Analysis: Math 351 or 451
- Secondary Mathematics: Math 486
III. Specific Courses
The program requires 10 specific Education courses, listed below, totaling 30 credits. These are elected in the junior and senior years in a specified order. Consult with the School of Education Office of Student Services for the order and timing of these courses.
- Methods of Teaching Mathematics (or minor field): EDUC 413 (3 credits)
- Practicum in Teaching Methods: EDUC 307I and 307II (4 credits)
- Educational Psychology: EDUC 391 (3 credits)
- Reading and Writing: EDUC 402 (3 credits)
- Education in a Multi-cultural Society: EDUC 392 (3 credits)
- Directed Teaching: EDUC 302 (10 credits)
- Problems and Principles of Secondary Education: EDUC 304 (2 credits)
- Teaching with Technology: EDUC 446 (1 credit)
- Teaching Students with Exceptionalities: EDUC 445 (1 credit)
The last 4 of these are to be elected concurrently. We repeat: students must apply for admission to the certification program during their sophomore year. Forms are available at the School of Education, Office of Student Services 1228 SEB.
Additional Requirements
Every student must successfully complete an introductory course in psychology (should be taken before Ed 391) and Michigan's licensure requirements.
Every Teaching Certificate student must also obtain a concentration or minor (SOE, not LSA) in another academic field. This normally requires 20–24 credits in a structured program in an area other than mathematics. Consult the Bulletin of the School of Education for acceptable programs.