Michigan Mathematical Journal
Department of Mathematics
2084 East Hall, 530 Church Street
Ann Arbor, MI U.S.A. 48109-1043
Phone 734-647-4462, Fax 734-763-0937
email: Michigan.Math.J@umich.edu
Editorial Board
Mircea Mustaţă, UM, Managing Editor
Alexander Barvinok, UM
Mladen Bestvina, University of Utah
Anthony Bloch, UM
Jennifer Hom, Georgia Tech
Mattias Jonsson, UM
Jeffrey C. Lagarias, UM
Martin Olsson, UC Berkeley
Mihai Păun, Universität Bayreuth
Mark Rudelson, UM
Ralf Spatzier, UM
Sijue Wu, UM
The Michigan Mathematical Journal is available electronically through the Project Euclid web site. The electronic version is available free to all paid subscribers. The Journal must receive from institutional subscribers a list of Internet Protocol Addresses in order for members of their institutions to have access to the online version of the Journal. Subscribers who receive the Journal through agents should also submit their Internet Protocol Addresses. If there are any questions, please contact the Journal office at the above phone/email.
SPECIAL NOTICE: Due to a hybrid remote/in office schedule for Michigan Mathematical Journal staff, correspondence should be sent via email to michigan.math.j@umich.edu. Subscription payments should be sent electronically by wire or credit card. Email our office for instructions. The most recent issue, Volume 74, Issue 5, is currently available online, and will be mailed to subscribers in November 2024. Please send an email to michigan.math.j@umich.edu with any questions. Thank you.
Price List
Beginning in 2023, the Michigan Mathematical Journal will publish five issues, for a total of 1,120 pages.
2025 - Online subscription to Volume 75:
$275 U.S. Funds
2025 - Print and online subscription to Volume 75:
Mailing within the U.S.: $340 U.S. Funds (postage included)
Mailing internationally: $360 U.S. Funds (postage included)
2024 - Online subscription to Volume 74:
$270 U.S. Funds
2024 - Print and online subscription to Volume 74:
Mailing within the U.S.: $335 U.S. Funds (postage included)
Mailing internationally: $355 U.S. Funds (postage included)
General Information
The Michigan Mathematical Journal is published by the Department of Mathematics at the University of Michigan and endeavors to publish significant research articles in all areas of mathematics. Typically, one volume is published each year, and the 2023 and 2024 volumes consist of five issues (four issues from 2012-2022, three issues prior to 2012). Volumes run concurrently with the calendar year. There is currently a backlog of papers, and the Journal strives to publish articles within one year of their acceptance. The content of each volume is in the back of the last issue. ISSN 0026-2285 (print), ISSN 1945-2365 (online).
Information for Authors
To submit a paper for publication, an author should send an electronic file of the manuscript in a widely acceptable format (PDF preferred) to the Editor at the email address on the home page. Hard copies of papers may be submitted to the address above if necessary. Authors are encouraged to submit papers directly to a member of the editorial board whose research interest is similar to the subject of the paper. If a manuscript is sent via email to one of the editors, please cc the message to Michigan.Math.J@umich.edu. Acknowledgement of the paper should occur within a week. The submission of a paper implies the author’s assurance that it has not been copyrighted, published, or submitted for publication elsewhere. All authors of papers accepted for publication will be required to sign a transfer of copyright agreement.
Authors should strive for expository clarity and good literary style. Manuscripts lacking in these respects will not be published. Preference will be given to manuscripts between ten and forty pages in length. An acknowledgment of grant support is to be placed at the bottom of the first page of the manuscript. References to articles and books should be in the standard form with the standard abbreviations established by Mathematical Reviews, and should be listed in alphabetical-chronological order.
Upon acceptance of a paper, the author will need to supply an electronic version of their manuscript. The file will need to be in a TeX/LaTeX/AMS-TeX file, along with an accurate PDF file. Please include all figure files and any macro files used in the paper. Once published, authors will receive a PDF file of the final printed version of their article. Hard copy offprints of their article are available upon request.
Information for Subscribers
Volumes of the MMJ run concurrently with the calendar year. Subscriptions are available on a "per-year" basis only. There are no standing orders, multi-year subscriptions, or agency discounts for the Journal. Prepayment for all orders is required in U.S. funds. The contents of each volume are listed in the last issue.
Electronic Version: The Journal publishes an electronic version that can be purchased separately, or is included in a paid print subscription. Access to the online version is through Project Euclid and is regulated by Internet Protocol address. Subscribers should creat an account on theIPregistry.org where they can upload and update their IP informaton and manage their IP addresses for all publications hosted by Project Euclid. Access to the electronic versions of the most recent five volume years is limited to paid subscribers to each of those volume years (must be paid subscriber for each of the most recent five years to access the online issues). Access to the Advance Publication area is limited to those who subscribe to the current volume year. Subscribers maintain perpetual online access to those issues for which they have paid. Issues older than five years have open access.
Publication dates: One issue of the Journal is published approximately March, May, July, September and November.
Payment Procedures: Prepayment in full is required for each volume of the Journal. Please contact our office if an invoice is required for payment. Please email the Michigan Mathematical Journal offices (michigan.math.j@umich.edu) to receive instructions for payment by wire transfer (preferred) or credit card. Checks or money orders made payable to Michigan Mathematical Journal can be mailed to the address above, but some delay in processing the payment and subscription may occur. The Journal does not offer agency discounts.
Back Issues: Please contact our offices to inquiry about purchasing back issues of the Journal.
All address changes and related subscription correspondence can be sent to the above address or email.