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Appointed Representative Information

Apply to Be an Appointed Representative in LSA Student Government! 

Are you passionate about making a difference in the College of LSA? Do you want to help advocate for your peers and contribute to meaningful change on campus?

Apply to become an Appointed Representative in LSA Student Government! This is your chance to get involved, represent the student body, and help shape student life at the University of Michigan. 

NEW Application Deadline: Saturday, March 8th by 11:59 PM 
Apply Now: Application Form
For more updates, follow us on Instagram: @umichlsasg
Don't miss out—apply today and make your voice heard!

What are you looking for in an Appointed Representative?

LSA Student Government members are motivated, collaborative, and eager to get involved at Michigan.

Appointed Rep applicants are not required to have any prior involvement with or knowledge of the Government, so please do not let that deter you from applying! Instead, we are looking for individuals who will bring a unique perspective to the Government, who are ready and willing to pursue projects and initiatives towards a better student experience, and who are eager to seek out the opinions and concerns of students outside of LSA SG. We welcome students of all identities to share their ideas and experiences!