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LSA@Play: Fall Fun!

College of LSA Student Event
Wednesday, October 30, 2024
5:00-6:30 PM
Regents Plaza Map
Hey there, fall! Join us for activities including making caramel apples, a gourmet popcorn bar, swag, crafting, and more.

In partnership with LSA Student Government

For LSA undergrads only. Join us for LSA@Play, a series of events to welcome and support LSA students! Gatherings and activities offer an opportunity for students to prioritize self-care, inclusivity, and community. Plus, get free food and LSA swag! Visit the LSA@Play webpage: for more details, subscribe to receive text/email updates, and check for additional events being added soon! Events are first come, first served, and while supplies last. One swag item per student and you must be present with an MCard to receive.

The University of Michigan College of Literature, Science, and the Arts (LSA) greatly values inclusion and access for all. We are pleased to provide reasonable accommodations to enable your full participation in this event. Please email if you would like to request disability accommodations or have any questions or concerns. We ask that you provide advance notice to ensure sufficient time to meet the requested accommodations.
Building: Regents Plaza
Event Type: Social / Informal Gathering
Tags: Undergraduate Students, Well-being
Source: Happening @ Michigan from The College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, LSA Student Government