6:00 a.m.
It’s Friday. I wake up contemplating getting an early start but ultimately decide to delay the beginning of my day.
9:00 a.m.
I wake up again and go through my morning routine, which is filled with activities that mentally and physically prepare me for the day (i.e., taking a walk, brushing my teeth, taking a shower, and planning my day out).
10:00* a.m.
I have my first meeting with the Mini Course + Showcase team of Intend to Attend (I2A), a program I work with dedicated to helping 8th-12th grade students learn about and realize their postsecondary options. In this meeting, we brainstorm and solidify plans for the mini-course part of our summer program.
*During this time I also eat breakfast when I remember to think about it.
11:00 a.m.
I have my second meeting with the Intend to Attend team focused on the campus visit portion of our summer program. In this meeting, we determine the logistics and programming for our participants’ overnight stay.
12:00 p.m.
I take a break to decompress and gather myself and my things before driving to my class at 1:00.
1:00 p.m.
I have my discussion for Philosophy 340: Mind and Machines. We talk heavily about what Artificial Intelligence is and what the future of AI will look like.
2:00 p.m.
I help the Comprehensive Studies Program (CSP) office by talking to incoming students about the program and why it’s such a great and important opportunity. CSP provides academic and social support for a community of scholars at U-M with diverse backgrounds.
3:00 p.m.
I join the all-staff meeting with Intend to Attend to discuss our team meetings and see what else we need to do to support our supporters and participants.
4:30 p.m.
If I teach the next day, I create my lesson plan for my sixth-grade computer science students, whom I teach every other Saturday from 10 to 12. If I don’t teach the next day, I will update the agenda for the mental health organization I started, Refill Your Cup. This entails looking at the previous weeks to set goals for this week and following up on any reminders or tasks from the previous week for our Sunday meeting.
5:30 p.m.
I join my friends at their dorm, and we do homework, laugh, play games, watch movies, etc. Sometimes, we attend an event on or around campus to support our friends and experience the students around us.
1:00 a.m.
If I’m not in my apartment already, I head back and go to bed.
The Comprehensive Studies Program (CSP) is a learning community organized around the principles of diversity, access, equity, and inclusion, offering student-centered instruction, holistic advising, counseling, and a supportive community.