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Screening: Rebel With a Clause

Film by Brandt Johnson, Starring Ellen Jovin
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
4:00-6:30 PM
Screening Room 4 Off Campus Location
Docu-Comedy presented by Departments of English Language & Literature and Linguistics

Register to attend here:

Film Synopsis:
One fall day in 2018, Ellen Jovin set up a folding table on a Manhattan sidewalk with a homemade sign that said “Grammar Table.” Right away, passersby began excitedly asking questions, telling stories, and filing complaints. What happened next is the stuff of grammar legend. Ellen and her filmmaker husband, Brandt Johnson, took the table on the road, visiting all 50 states as Brandt shot the grammar action.

But this story transcends grammar. It’s the story of an epic quest to bring us closer together in a divided time.

Come for the grammar. Stay for the humanity.

Trailer Link:

Film Credits:
Director, Producer, Editor: Brandt Johnson
Cast: Ellen Jovin
Movie Run Time: 85 minutes
Social Media: @grammartable on most major platforms
Building: Off Campus Location
Location: 233 S State St, Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Event Type: Film Screening
Tags: English Language & Literature, Film, Free, Language, Linguistics
Source: Happening @ Michigan from Department of English Language and Literature, Department of Linguistics