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Dimé (Soknopaiou Nesos), Egypt


Director: Enoch E. Peterson

Concurrent with the excavation at Karanis, Dr. Peterson led a preliminary expedition to the Ptolemaic-Roman site of Soknopaiou Nesos (modern Dimé) in 1931 and to Terenouthis in 1935. Peterson chose Soknopaiou Nesos to compare its chronology with that of Karanis and to see whether it would yield results indicating its value as an independent excavation in the future. The finds were not particularly noteworthy, the levels obscure, and the difficulties of managing transportation and supplies immense. A summary of the expedition is included in Soknopaiou Nesos: The University of Michigan Excavation at Dimé in 1931–32 (University of Michigan Press, 1935).