- English Major
- English Minor
- Creative Writing Minor
- Disability Studies Minor
- English Department Writing Program
- First-year Writing Requirement
- Courses
- Policies & Procedures
- Director's Note
- Writing Resources
- Contacts
- Teaching of Writing
- Capstone Program in Creative Writing
- Capstone Program in Research
- Journalism
- English Outside the Classroom
- Study Abroad
- Advising Information
A first-year writing requirement course is required of all University of Michigan students. Students cannot fulfill the requirement through Advanced Placement (AP) scores. The First-Year Writing Requirement should be completed in the first-year with a minimum grade of C-. Students who seek a more individualized and gradual introduction to college writing may want to take WRITING 100 (Transition to College Writing) before a first-year writing requirement course.
The U-M College of Literature, Science and the Arts (LS&A) Course Guide states the following about the first-year writing requirement: "The goal of the First-Year Writing Requirement is to prepare students for the type of writing most often assigned and valued in University courses."
The majority of students fulfill the first-year writing requirement through English 125 (Writing and Academic Inquiry), English 124 (Academic Writing and Literature) and English 126 (Community-Engaged Writing). There are a few other courses around the university that also fulfill the requirement, such as History 195, Classical Civilization 101, Comparative Literature 122, Great Books 191 (for LSA Honors students), Lloyd Hall Scholars Program 125, RC Core 100 (for Residential College students), and Slavic 151. Students must receive at least a C- in the course to fulfill the first-year writing requirement. Engineering 100 does not fulfill the first-year writing requirement in LSA.
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