125: Writing and Academic Inquiry
Course Description
Written language is part of so many things that matter: connecting with others, understanding others’ ideas and our own, investigating the world we live in. Academic writing, a key type of writing you will analyze and practice in this class, is only one kind of writing that matters, but it is one you will encounter in your current and future UM courses.
By the end of the course, you will be able to answer: What strategies do I currently use in my writing, and what new strategies do I want to adopt? What are strategies academic writers tend to use, and why? What choices can I look for and try out when I encounter new texts I need to read or write?
The Specific Goals of English 125
In the English Department Writing Program, our overall learning goals for students in English 125 are as follows:
- To engage with multiple perspectives and sources. To read, summarize, analyze, and synthesize complex texts purposefully in order to generate and support writing.
- To write like writers. To produce complex, analytic, well-supported ideas that matter in and beyond academic contexts.
- To read like writers. To demonstrate an awareness of the strategies that writers use in different rhetorical situations.
- To write as part of a collaborative process. To develop flexible strategies for revising, editing, proofreading, and peer reviewing writing of varying lengths to improve development of ideas and appropriateness of expression.
- To reflect on and monitor your own writing and learning. To collaborate with peers and instructor to define revision strategies for particular pieces of writing, to set goals for improving writing, and to devise effective plans for achieving those goals.
Registered & Waitlisted Students
Please remember that you must attend BOTH the first and second class meetings in order to secure your position on the class roster or the waitlist. Failure to attend either meeting can result in your being dropped
from the course or the waitlist.