All sections of English 325 focus on examining and practicing artistic and research-informed essay writing. The term essay refers to shorter works of composition employing stylistic devices from multiple genres of writing in order to develop a point of view aesthetically and intellectually. The course builds on skills from introductory writing courses (e.g., English 124, 125, and 225).
Learning Goals for English 325: The Art of the Essay
- To hone mechanics, attention to language and audience, style, and craft in students’ essay writing.
- To develop an understanding of key elements of essay writing and an awareness of various essay genres, including cultural commentary, social critique, and memoir.
- To create thoughtful, artful, research-based, and revised essays that display clarity of purpose and a keen awareness of audience.
- To develop an awareness of different rhetorical approaches and methods for incorporating research in essay writing, and to practice using those approaches and methods.
- To develop an awareness of the rigors and potential pleasures entailed in reading, discussing, and crafting written essays.
Please remember that you must attend BOTH the first and second class meetings in order to secure your position on the class roster or the waitlist. Failure to attend either meeting can result in your being dropped from the course or the waitlist.