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Engaged Learning Opportunities

The Department of English recognizes that experiential learning opportunities are an increasingly important component of many students’ college portfolio. Whether pursued on-campus or off, independently or through credit-bearing courses, they offer students a chance to engage with local communities and to explore connections between their academic interests, on the one hand, and their social commitments and personal aspirations on the other.The department’s experiential learning offerings for 2019-20 include the following:

Individual Courses:

  • English 126: Community-Engaged Writing - A first-year writing course, developed and offered in partnership with the Ginsberg Center, exploring how various forms of public writing can accomplish in-the-world goals and change communities for the better
  • English 322: Community Journalism - A practical, fieldwork-based course co-taught with a team of professional local journalists and resulting in a polished piece of long-form journalistic writing.
  • ALA 325: Putting Your Education to Work - This one-credit course is designed with LSA juniors and seniors in mind as they prepare to meet their goals beyond graduation. Classes are interactive, and the course is structured so that students prioritize, and progress toward, individual goals. Students will develop fluency in articulating the value of their LSA degree, create search strategies for jobs, mentors, and funding; and produce coherent narratives about their academic experiences, interests, and coursework.
  • English 344.1: Digital Publishing for the English Community -  A writing course focusing on book reviews, profiles, and other genres on the topic of literature and writing on campus, Ann Arbor, and here in English. Students will also have the option of reporting on interesting projects in other English classes, creating a student-produced course magazine that will become part of the public face of UM English.
  • English 425 (selected sections): Immersion Writing: Truth, Fact, and Art - An introduction to the theory and practice of an approach to reality-based story telling that has become the dominant mode of creative nonfiction.

Special Programs:

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Additional resources for students interested in experiential learning and community engagement include: