VP of CBS Radio in Detroit, Class of '64
What do you do for a living and what's it like?
I pursued a career in Broadcasting. I was never on the air but in programming, sales and managment. I retired as VP and GM of a CBS Radio Station in Detoit, Michigan. I was elected to the Michigan Boradcast Hall of Fame. I now serve on several community based non-profit boards.
Why did you choose to become an English Major?
I loved to read “the Classics” especially. I wanted a well-rounded liberal arts background. English seemed to be my best choice.
How are you applying your English major experience today in your life and career?
I took several courses that opened many doors
for me. I took a course titled “Writing For Radio and Television.” It was my junior year. It was eye opening for me. My writing improved and my future took a specific direction. My English Degree gave me the road to a great career and a wonderful retirement.