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Part 1: Participating in Sustainability Conversations on Campus and Beyond

Trisha Dowling, ELI Lecturer & Ryan Yip
Wednesday, April 16, 2025
6:30-8:30 PM
WEIS 110 Weiser Hall Map
This workshop is designed to provide you with the speaking and listening skills needed to engage in sustainability conversations and support U-M's carbon neutrality objectives, regardless of your expertise in climate issues. The interactive session will introduce essential language and vocabulary to articulate your views on environmental topics. Additionally, you will acquire strategies for handling difficult discussions and collaborating across different fields. Be ready to take part in small group discussions.

Please consider registering for part 2: Nature Walk in the Arb:
Building: Weiser Hall
Event Type: Workshop / Seminar
Tags: English, Graduate And Professional Students, International, Language, Prospective Undergraduate Students, Sustainability, Workshop
Source: Happening @ Michigan from English Language Institute