Transfer Point 2 is the most common one. Students will have taken a standard yearlong General Chemistry course at another institution and arrive at U-M intending to take Organic Chemistry.
In our experience, as stated for Transfer Point 1, the biggest error made on the transfer term is having too much ambition in your course plan. Every institution has its own academic culture, and giving you time to make the adjustment has high value. Electing to take the U-M Organic Chemistry courses immediately on the transfer term has proved to be a challenge for roughly 75% of those who attempt it. The challenge may have nothing to do with the General Chemistry subject matter, but rather the adjustment to the high energy and somewhat competitive (albeit friendly competitive) academic environment of the overall campus.
Transfer students are not the only ones who experience an academic challenge in our Organic Chemistry courses. As described in the first few essays at the study guide site, the intrinsic nature of an Organic Chemistry course tends to be quite different than past experiences in learning science.
Although we do not formally discourage transfer students from signing up to start CHEM 210 on their transfer term, we do quite strongly recommend that they think seriously about two things: (1) consider a lighter than average course load so that some adjustment time for being at U-M is built in, and (2) think seriously about the recommendations in the study guide essays about whether you need to adjust the way you approach learning in a science class based upon the differences described in the essays about CHEM 210.
On average, students who have taken this advice seriously have done OK, while those who did not were often among the first to withdraw from the term.
How much information from General Chemistry is actually needed in Organic Chemistry?
The answer is: remarkably little, but what is needed is important.
In the current textbook (Coppola, 2022, Books A/B for CHEM 210, Books C/D for CHEM 215), sections 1.2 and 1.4 outline the most important basics that we expect:
(1) fundamental make-up of atoms and the organization of the periodic table
(2) the structural and representational difference, e.g., between bromine atoms, bromide ion, and molecular bromine (hence the difference between covalent and ionic bonding)
(3) the power of the closed shell (noble gas) electron configuration as the driver for both ionic and covalent structures, particular with the main group elements
(4) a reasonable sense that actual chemical systems are made up of incredibly large collections of atoms and molecules mixed along with the molecules of solvents, and that drawing a simple equation between to things (A+B) is an wholly unrealistic shorthand for the complexity of what is happening in solution at any given moment
(5) an introductory sense that differences in relative stability that dictates the direction of a reaction can be expressed in terms of bonded and non-bonded interactions between atoms (part of what we call enthalpy) as well as statistical factors, such as the comparative number of particles that make up the starting and ending points (part of what we call entropy).
A deeper dive into a General Chemistry review that is relevant to Organic Chemistry is given in Appendix 01 (Book B) of the Coppola books.