2018 APSA Winners
Ang Named Carnegie Fellow
Ang Receives Book Award
Baer Wins Writing Prize
Campbell receives Order of the Rising Sun
Chamberlin on Lame-duck Efforts
Chen Gives Testimony on Redistricting
Christoff Accepts Award
Crabtree and Fariss Investigate Lawmaker Responsiveness
Davenport Elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Davidson Awarded NSF Fellowship
Dincecco Wins Best Book
Fernandes on LBGTQ Ruling in India
Fusaro Wins SSWR Award
Gallagher Pens Op-Ed on Xi Jinping
Gallagher on Trump, Trade, and China
Giving Blueday 2018!
Goldenberg on Importance of Young Voters
Ichino on Democracy in Hungary
Jefferson Quoted on Starbuck's Training
LaVaque-Manty Using Game-Based Grading
Lupia Encouraging Common Ground
Lupia Headed to NSF
Lupia on Republican Insurgents
Markovits Honored
McAlister Wins for Methodology
Nathan's Study Cited
New Book on Hanes Walton, Jr
Ostfeld Wins 2018 Lucius Barker Award
Page Book Shortlisted
PhD Alum Remembered
Pitcher Wins Prize
Rabe Adds to Carbon Debate
Remembering Amanda Tillotson
Shipan Wins 2018 Herbert Simon Award
Staff Enjoys Team Building
Strickland Wins Prize for Paper
Student Honored to Work in DC
Student Spotlight: Chinbo Chong
Tessler Wins Tronstein Award
Traugott Remarks on Trump as Negotiator
Valentino and Zhirkov Win Best Paper
Wheat Wins Student of the Year
Zhukov and Kostyuk on Cyberattacks