The Wenner-Gren Foundation invites you to a webinar, Equity, Transparency, Humanity: Building a Better System for Anthropological Research Funding, on Tuesday, January 30, 3-5 p.m. In this webinar, a panel of leaders in the movements for equity and inclusion in anthropology, and in anthropological research funding, will discuss the results of a major study of research funding in archaeology and anthropology.

The presenter is Laura Heath-Stout (Stanford). Panelists: Justin Dunnavant (UCLA) and Ayana Omilade Flewellen (Stanford) from the Society of Blackz Archaeologists; Sara Gonzalez (U Washington) and Ora Marek-Martinez (U Northern Arizona) from the Indigenous Archaeology Collective; and Fred Palm from the Social Science Research Council. The moderator is Danilyn Rutherford (Wenner-Gren Foundation).

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