UMMAA at the SAAs
This week several UMMAA faculty and students will travel to Washington, DC, to present papers at the 83rd annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Below is the schedule for Museum faculty and student presentations.
Don't forget--the Museum of Anthropological Archaeology is hosting a reception during the SAAs for friends and alums. Please join us on Friday, April 13th from 7:30-9:30 pm at the Marriott Washington Wardman Park Hotel. We warmly invite you to join us and connect with friends and colleagues over food and refreshments in the Mezzanine Ballroom Foyer – all are welcome!
UMMAA SAA 2018 Presenters
8:00-10:00 am Exhibit Hall B South: 13-f Matthew Napolitano, Robert J. DiNapoli, Geoffrey Clark, Ester Mietes and Lauren Pratt—Modeling the Early Settlement of Yap, Western Caroline Islands
9:30 am Washington 6: Daniel Hansen—Death and Identity at Monte Albán
9:45 am Truman: Jess Beck, Colin Quinn, and Horia Ciugudean—From Mounds and Museums: Building a Bioarchaeology of the Early Bronze Age in the Apuseni Region of Transylvania
10:45 am Washington 2: Elspeth Geiger—Contact, Exchange, and Identity Revisited: A Closer Look at Michigan’s Garden Peninsula Archipelago
11:15 am Jefferson: Jo Osborn, Camille Weinberg and Kelita Pérez Cubas—Revisiting Jahuay: An Early Horizon Maritime Site at the Topará Quebrada on the South Coast of Peru
1:15 pm Lincoln 4: Lacey Carpenter—Neighborhood Organization in Early States: Exploring Spatial Variability at El Palenque
2:00 pm Marriott Salon 3: Christina Sampson—Late Pre-Columbian Craft and Community at the Weeden Island Site (8Pi1)
5:00-7:00 pm Exhibit Hall B South: 100-j Jordan Dalton and Paula Patricia Moreno Zapata—Exploring Local and Imperial Strategies in the Chincha Valley
7:00 pm Wilson C: Benjamin Steere and Ashley Schubert—Movement and Interaction in the Appalachian Summit circa 1300–1500 CE
8:30 pm Marriott Salon 2: Chelsea Fisher—Three Walks Through Tzacauil: Engaging the Rural Landscape of Central Yucatán 2000 Years Ago, 1000 Years Ago, and Today
8:00 am Lincoln 3: Brian Stewart and Kurt Rademaker—On the Trail of Homo through Earth’s High Mountains and Plateaus
8:15 am Lincoln 3: Yu-chao Zhao and Brian Stewart—Tracing Late Quaternary Highland-Dryland Social Connectivity in Southern Africa with Ostrich Eggshell Bead Strontium Values: Preliminary Results
9:00 am Delaware B: Anna Cohen and Michael Galaty—Local Political Economies at Angamuco, Michoacán: Insights from Ceramic Archaeometry
10:30 am-12:30 pm Exhibit Hall B South: 190-f Timothy Everhart—Approaching Monument Diversity in the Woodland Societies of the Central Scioto Valley
1:00 pm Washington 5: Alice Wright and Colin Quinn—Confronting Myths of Isolation in Pre-Columbian Appalachia
8:00-10:00 am Exhibit Hall B South: 240-e Camille Weinberg, Jo Osborn, Rachael Penfil and Kelita Pérez Cubas—New Evidence of Late Intermediate and Inca Occupation at Jahuay, Quebrada de Topará, Peru
9:00 am Washington 1: Anna Antoniou and Earl Davis—Collaborative Archaeology in Willapa Bay, Washington: Supporting Communities through Scientific Research
9:30 am Lincoln 2: Györgyi Parditka, Paul R. Duffy, Julia I. Giblin and László Paja—Peeling Back the ‘Overburden’: Collaborative Projects Studying Middle Bronze Age Societies in the Körös-Region, Southeast Hungary
9:45 am Delaware A: John O’Shea—Discussant, Symposium—Investigations into Submerged Prehistory: Methodological Approaches, Recent Endeavors, and New Results
9:45 am Washington 2: Ashley Schubert and Maureen Meyers—Recognizing Variation in Pisgah Identity across Space and Time
10:30 am-12:30 pm Exhibit Hall B South: 266-a Adam Coker, Kimberly Swisher, Jennifer Birch, Stefan Brannan and Tiffany Yue—Creating Community at Singer-Moye: Feasting and Craft Production in a Residential Precinct
1:30 pm Madison B: Paul Nick Kardulias, James Torpy, Drosos Kardulias and Alina Karapandzich— Multi-faceted Anthropology: Recent Work of the Athienou Archaeological Project in Central Cyprus
2:00-4:00 pm Exhibit Hall B South: 301-b Martin Menz—Weeden Island Shell Rings from the Bottom-Up: The View from Old Creek
2:45 pm Delaware B: Briana Doering—Exploring the Cause of the Athabaskan Migration through Isotopic and Geospatial Evidence