This fall the University of Michigan Museum of Anthropological Archaeology celebrated its 100th anniversary with an international archaeology conference, UMMAA at 100: Michigan’s Mark--Past, Present, Future.
For four days, September 29 to October 2, 2022, archaeologists shared their visions for the future of their field in a series of seven sessions, including a plenary and a graduate student panel.
The sessions were all livestreamed and are curated on YouTube. Follow this link to watch Session 1: The Archaeology of Intercultural Spaces, with organizer / chair Rob Beck (UMMAA) and participants Grace Barretto-Tesoro (University of the Philippines, Diliman), Lands and Pages: Intercultural Spaces of Carl Guthe and the Philippine Expedition Collection at the University of Michigan; Ayana Flewellen (Stanford University), The Afterlives of Coral or The Persistence of Colonial Violence; Severin Fowles (Barnard College/Columbia University), Image Capture and Imperial Design in 18th-Century New Mexico; and Giulia Saltini Semerari (University of Michigan), Following Divergent Paths of Contact: A Multidisciplinary Approach to the Greek Colonization in Southern Italy