Over the past two years, U-M archaeology graduate student Brendan Nash and UMMAA curator Dr. Henry Wright, along with independent researcher Thomas Talbot, have changed the Clovis archaeology narrative with their excavations at the 13,000-year-old Belson site in southwest Michigan—the first-ever Clovis site discovered in the state as well as the earliest.
Tonight, the Belson site and the Clovis story will be the subject of an episode of Great Lakes Now, a program of PBS and Detroit Public TV.
After the program, Brendan and Thomas will join a virtual episode premiere party on Facebook Live and YouTube, where the hosts will spotlight the Clovis story.
Join the Facebook Live event here: https://www.facebook.com/events/366844365858637/?active_tab=discussion
Read more about the Belson site here: https://michigantoday.umich.edu/2021/08/27/rewriting-michigans-archaeological-history/
Read about Great Lakes Now here: https://www.greatlakesnow.org/series/