The last year has shown that if we unite, we can make a difference. On March 10, your support can help UMMAA’s graduate students survive the COVID gap.
Traditionally, UMMAA archaeology graduate students gain field experience every summer on projects run by curators, colleagues of curators, and by fellow graduate students. In 2020, however, this process was interrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. No one went into the field during the summer of 2020. Most UMMAA students lost access to grant money, all have lost time and momentum, many are not sure if they will get back into the field in 2021.
This year, we hope to use any money we raise on Giving Blueday to support graduate student research, whether in the field (hopefully), the lab, or the collections. Your generous donation will help fund small grants to graduate students for research during the summer of 2021.
The Giving Blueday Button on the UMMAA website will go live at midnight on March 10.