Excavations at Alepotrypa Cave
Neolithic Alepotrypa Cave in the Mani, Greece (Oxbow Books, 2018) is due out in May.
Neolithic Alepotrypa Cave in the Mani, Greece, co-edited by UMMAA director Michael Galaty and forthcoming from Oxbow Books, distills into one book the results of forty years of excavations at one of Europe’s most important Neolithic sites.
Alepotrypa Cave is on the Mani—the central peninsula on the southern coast of the Peloponnese, south of mainland Greece. During the Neolithic (6000–3200 BC), people lived in Alepotrypa Cave and also used it as a burial and ceremonial site. Archaeologist Giorgos Papathanassopoulos began excavating the cave in 1970.
Neolithic Alepotrypa Cave in the Mani, Greece (edited by Anastasia Papathanasiou, William A. Parkinson, Daniel J. Pullen, Michael L. Galaty, and Panagiotis Karkanas) is a thorough interdisciplinary study of the site and the information researchers have gathered over the decades, including radiocarbon dates and discussions of tools, burials, stratigraphy, and more. It is due out in May 2018 and can be pre-ordered on Amazon.