Doering wins NSF and Wenner-Gren grants
Bree Doering holds a biface at the Klein site on Quartz Lake, Alaska. Photo by Kristin Cimmerer.
Bree Doering, a graduate student at UMMAA, was awarded an NSF in early July to support her research at Quartz Lake and Delta Creek during the summer 2018 and 2019 seasons. This award will also support her ongoing geochemical analysis at the University of Michigan, which will allow me to reconstruct prehistoric diets using cooking feature residues.
Doering was awarded the Wenner-Gren at the end of October to provide additional support for her research at Quartz Lake in 2019. This will allow her to support four experienced field assistants on the project and conduct magnetometry at Quartz Lake.
Both of these awards will support Doering’s ongoing field and lab research, which forms the basis of her study of the late Holocene Athabascan transition and subsequent migration.