The UMMAA Brown Bag Lecture Series is pleased to present a lecture by Soren Frykholm, PhD candidate in anthropological archaeology at the University of Michigan. His lecture, "New Research at Monte Negro, Oaxaca," will be held on Friday, February 21, 12:00-1:00pm p.m. in the School of Education Building, Room 1322..

Between 1937 and 1940, a team of Mexican archaeologists led by Alfonso Caso excavated at Monte Negro, a prehispanic settlement located atop a defensible mountaintop in western Oaxaca. Their efforts, among the first scientific projects in Mexico, yielded critical insights into social stratification, ritual behavior, and cultural development during the Late Formative Period (300-100 B.C.). Extensive archaeological survey projects in western Oaxaca have since placed Monte Negro in a regional context, underscoring dramatic settlement pattern changes during this period. Investigations at the site since 2022 mark the first excavations in over 80 years and the first outside of the elite sector. This talk presents an overview of preliminary findings from the two most recent field seasons at Monte Negro.

The Museum's Brown Bag Lecture Series is free and open to the public.