Brown Bag Lecture Series
Jhon Percy Cruz Quiñones talks about Archaic settlements in the Andes
On Friday, October 8, 12-1 p.m., via Zoom, Jhon Percy Cruz Quiñones, a graduate student in the U-M Department of Anthropology, will give the first UMMAA Brown Bag Lecture of the fall 2021 season. His talk, "Where Do Hunters and Gatherers Live? Evidence from Archaic Period (ca. 10,000-3,000 BP) High-Altitude Settlements in the North-Central Peruvian Andes," will discuss his research on Archaic settlements of hunters and gatherers across multiple and complementary ecological zones in the north-central highlands of Peru, using predictive modelling, regional survey, and sampling of material. The results show an occupation of 7,000 years of high-altitude grasslands through logistic open-air sites with progressive expansion and diversification of settlements into new ecological zones and altitudes, and a possible exchange network between the high mountain and coastal valleys.
Brown Bag lectures are free and open to the public.
Zoom link: