Brown Bag Lecture Series
On Thursday, January 17, Christina DiFabio and Joseph Frankl, both from the Interdepartmental Program in Classical Art And Archaeology at the University of Michigan, will speak in the Whitney Auditorium (Room 1315, School of Education Building) at noon as part of the UMMAA Brown Bag Lecture Series.
DiFabio will discuss the results of a recent comprehensive archaeological survey of Notion, an ancient port-city in western Turkey. The survey, started in 2014 and directed by Christopher Ratté, has found that the main dates of occupation at Notion were the Hellenistic to early Roman periods (3rd c. BCE to 1st c. CE). This survey, however, was not the first investigation of Notion. Several earlier projects conducted limited excavations within and around the city. This talk will present the preliminary results of an ongoing project that uses museum collections and archival documents related to these previous projects to complement what we know about Notion.
Frankl will discuss the Western Argolid Regional Project (WARP): an intensive, siteless pedestrian survey investigating a 30 km² area of the Inachos River Valley in Greece’s North-East Peloponnese. The project seeks a diachronic understanding of the city of Argos’ hinterland with attention to settlement patterns, land use, and microregional paths of movement. WARP conducted three field seasons between 2014 and 2016 and has now moved into the first stages of data analysis and publication. This brown bag will highlight the project’s methodologies as well as its initial analysis of Roman period data (1st BCE to 7th CE). Additionally, these findings will be contextualized with other survey data collected in the region, which remains one of the most extensively investigated areas in Greece.
The Museum’s Brown Bag Lecture Series is free and open to the public.