Congratulations to Wes Wardle on his forthcoming book, Archaeology on the Threshold: Studies in the Processes of Change (University Press of Florida, 2023), with co-authors Robert K. Hitchcock, Matthew Schmader, and Pei-Lin Yu.
Archaeology on the Threshold focuses on major transitions such as the shift from foraging to agriculture, the adoption of new technologies, the emergence of large-scale societies, the transition from egalitarian to inegalitarian leadership, and changes that occur in socioeconomic and ideological systems as a result of climate change and disease. Theoretical approaches range from processual to postprocessual, humanistic, and interpretive. Methodologies include ethnoarchaeology, the use of ethnographic analogy, crosscultural comparisons and large-scale data approaches, oral history, the historical record, participant observation, and focus group discussions. Read more (and order your copy) on the UPF website!