The Advisory Committee is composed of alumni and friends of the Museum, and is chaired by the Director. Its purpose is to provide the Museum Director with strategic advice regarding the future direction of the Museum, as well as ensuring that the activities of the Museum reflect the needs of stakeholders. Terms of service are five-years, by invitation of the Director. Membership:
Rob Beck, Associate Director
Barbara Brose (2023-2026)
David Brose (2023-2026)
Michael L. Galaty, Director
Chapurukha Kusimba (2021-2026)
Colleen Medicine (2021-2026)
William Parkinson (2023-2028)
Marjorie Pratt (2018-2023)
T Douglas Price (2023-2028)
Margaret Schoeninger (2023-2028)
Patricia Wattenmaker (2023-2028)