Major: Psychology
Minor: Sociology of Health and Medicine
Where did you transfer from? Washtenaw Community College
Why did you choose to transfer to the University of Michigan?
I chose to transfer because the University of Michigan offered so many opportunities for research and engagement with faculty within the psychology and sociology department. Also, as a typically antisocial person who would be commuting to campus, I wanted a school that would encourage me to engage with campus culture in a multitude of ways.
Based on your personal experience, what is the one thing you want to tell new transfer students?
I would tell them to get involved in research as soon as possible, if they want the most options and want to have a lot of experience prior to grad school. Getting started earlier (even looking at labs related to your subject before coming to the school) gives you an edge when applying to labs you’d like to be a part of that could fill up quickly or not accept many research assistants.
How did you make friends and meet other students on campus?
I met a lot of my friends through the Transfer Student Center, aMplify nights (social nights specifically for transfers!) and discussion sections, especially as I entered higher level classes with people who were in the same studies as me.
What is your favorite part about being an LSA transfer student?
I love that I have an abundance of opportunities and a wealth of knowledge at my grasp. LSA has been an amazing resource when I’m considering future steps towards my career and life that I don’t think other schools would have offered me.
What do you know now that you wished you knew before transferring to the University of Michigan?
I wish that someone could have told me how useful and accessible office hours are. At the very beginning of my first semester, I was afraid to talk and ask questions, out of the concern that it would reveal my stupidity. But only after I made some attempt at approaching my professor did I realize how he was kind and smart at the same time. OHs are precious one-on-one teaching sessions–sometimes even more valuable than lectures–for use to clarify our questions and also making close connections with professors.
Why did you choose your specific major(s)?
I always tell people that I studied psychology to have a better understanding of myself, because how am I going to interact with the world if I don’t understand myself? Psychology felt like the right jumping off point for any career I wanted to enter as I knew that the impact I wanted to make was one involving people! I have a passion for mental wellness, advocacy, and social change that has been fueled and made more focused in my psychology studies.
Office Hours
Monday 8:00 am - 7:00 pm
Tuesday 8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Wednesday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Thursday 8:00am - 7:00 pm
Friday 8:00 am - 7:00pm