User Groups: | Faculty Services ; Student Services ; Staff Services ; Researcher Services |
Categories: | Events & Media |
Rates & Pricing | For a list of available movies and rental fees please see above links for Swank Motion Pictures or Janus Films. |
Digital Cinema Package (DCP) is a digital equivalent of a 35mm film print. It is a high quality projection system with 4k projection and surround sound as typical in movie theaters. It provides a multi-channel sound up to 7.1 surround.
35mm projection is still available and could be scheduled.
For more information and how to schedule a screening for either the 35mm film or DCP please contact our Special Events group at 734.763.4594.
Attention: All reservations and movie rentals for DCP must go through Support Services Special Events due to extensive administrative requirements.
Please allow at least four weeks for the process. For a list of available movies and rental fees please visit Swank Motion Pictures or Janus Films.
User Groups: | Faculty Services ; Student Services ; Staff Services ; Researcher Services |
Categories: | Events & Media |
Rates & Pricing | For a list of available movies and rental fees please see above links for Swank Motion Pictures or Janus Films. |
G155 Angell Hall, 435 South State St, Ann Arbor, MI 48109–1003