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SMP 3/15/14 | Cell Membranes: Using Physics to Function | Speaker: Sarah Veatch

Saturday, March 15, 2014
4:00 AM
170 & 182 Dennison Building

The outer boundary of the cell is made up of lipids and proteins whose primary role is to protect the cell while selectively transmitting information and nutrients across its boundary. Cells have come up with many clever tricks to accomplish these vital functions, one of which is to tune its membrane composition near a phase transition, allowing cells to exploit the unique physical properties of this thermodynamic state. Professor Veatch will discuss a few examples where cells appear to use membrane lipids to organize and regulate the activity of membrane proteins.

Detailed Information
All talks are free and refreshments will be served. Visitor parking for the seminars (Central Campus) is across the street from the Dennison Building in the U-M Church Street structure. There is a $2.00 parking charge implemented by U-M Parking Services.

Contact Information
For more information regarding the Saturday Morning Physics series, see the Physics Department website, or call 734.764.4437.

Saturday Morning Physics lectures listings for Winter 2014.
