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SMP 12/7/13 | Splash Gordon: The Origin of Water on Earth | Speaker: Ruud Visser

Saturday, December 7, 2013
5:00 AM
170 & 182 Dennison Building

The presence of water on Earth is crucial for life as we know it, but where did all that water come from? Was water part of the building blocks out of which Earth formed, or did it rain down in the form of comets and meteorites?

Detailed Information
All talks are free and refreshments will be served. Visitor parking for the seminars (Central Campus) is across the street from the Dennison Building in the U-M Church Street structure. There is a $2.00 parking charge implemented by U-M Parking Services.

Contact Information
For more information regarding the Saturday Morning Physics series, see the Physics Department website, or call 734.764.4437
