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Black Hole Evaporation from D0-Brane Quantum Mechanics

Friday, April 8, 2016
4:00 AM
335 West Hall

I show that the D0-brane quantum mechanics describes various aspects of a black hole (black zero-brane) in type IIA superstring theory. Firstly, I explain the results of the Monte Carlo simulations, which show that the thermodynamic properties of the black hole is correctly reproduced.

Then I explain recent results on real-time dynamics. It is explained that the "fast scrambling" in stringy regime can be confirmed numerically. I also show that the evaporation of the black hole can be explained from gauge theory side, by using only undergrad statistical mechanics and high school math (plus very basic knowledge about D0-brane quantum mechanics, which will be explained in the talk).

A large and cold black hole becomes hotter while it evaporates, the evaporation speeds up, and the black hole completely evaporates to freely propagating D0-branes, without leaving remnant.
Therefore, the D0-brane quantum mechanics provides us with a concrete example of a black hole evaporation without information loss.
