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Twin Higgs (TH) model gives a naturalness motivation to study the non-SM colored BSM particles, which usually have decay processes relating to the dark-hadronization and displaced signal. In this talk, I will use two examples to discuss these two distinct phenomenology in both collider and astrophysical experiments. In the collider, the exotic twin-quarks, which play a vital role in UV-completing the TH model, can be produced and decay into both the SM and Twin particles. The striking signal allows the reach of twin UV-physics at the LHC and future colliders. For the astrophysical story, I will discuss the Hadrosymmetric TH model. This model provides a WIMP-like DM scenario and dark showers, which can generate the possible galactic center gamma ray excess seen by Fermi-LAT. In order for the twin hadrons to decay before BBN, an additional portal between the SM and twin sector is required, which is within the reach of the LHC or future intensity frontier experiments.
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