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MCTP HET BROWN BAG SEMINAR | Annihilation Signals from Asymmetric Dark Matter

Wednesday, February 26, 2014
5:00 AM
Oskar Klein Room 3481 Randall

I will begin with an overview of models of Asymmetric Dark Matter, in which the present day density of dark matter (DM) is set by a particle asymmetry, similar to baryonic matter. Annihilation-like indirect detection signals are not typically expected in the simplest models of this type, as the DM is non-self-conjugate and the relic density of anti-DM is negligible. However, for non-minimal models observable annihilation signals can occur and I will highlight some motivated models which accomplish this.

MCTP HET Brown Bag Seminars listings for Winter 2014.

James Unwin (Notre Dame)