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MCTP HET BROWN BAG SEMINAR | Results for Loop Operators in 3D N=2 SCFTS

Wednesday, December 5, 2012
5:00 AM
Oskar Klein Conference Room (3481 Randall)

We apply localization techniques to study loop operators in 3D N=2 SCFTs on S^3 supported on great circles, and discuss two related topics. First we work with ordinary Wilson loop operators, and use the matrix model resulting from localization to derive the OPE algebra of Wilson loop operators, and verify that the algebras of certain dual theories are isomorphic. Secondly, we construct certain "vortex loops", topological defect operators supported on loops in the manifold. We show how their expectation values can be computed by localization, and use this to gain some new insight into dualites.

Brian Willet