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Special HET Brown Bag Seminar | Quantum Field Theory and Grassmannian Geometry | Speaker: Jacob Bourjaily (Harvard) | PLEASE NOTE NEW DATE/TIME!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012
4:00 AM
3481 Randall (Oskar Klein Conference Room)

Speaker: Jacob Bourjaily (Harvard)

I will describe the recent and profound advances in our understanding of quantum field theory and the connections between its analytic structure and the geometry of Grassmannian polytopes. I will first review the recursive tools recently developed to understand the Feynman expansion more efficiently, and then describe how the terms in these recursively-generated formulae are classified by simple combinatorics and are best understood in terms of the geometry of the positive part of Grassmannian manifolds. All leading singularities of planar pure Yang Mills as well as N=1,...,4 SYM will be classified combinatorially together with all their relations. If time permits, non-planar structures will also be described.