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HET Brown Bag Seminar | Non-Supersymmetric Conifold | Speaker: Anatoly Dymarksy (IAS)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012
4:00 AM
3481 Randall (Oskar Klein Conference Room)

Speaker: Anatoly Dymarksy (IAS)

I will present a new family of non-supersymmetric (numerical) solutions of IIB supergravity which are dual to the N=1 cascading "conifold" theory perturbed by certain combinations of relevant single trace and marginal double trace operators with non infinitesimal couplings. The SUSY is broken but the resulting ground states, and their gravity duals, remain metastable, at least perturbatively. Despite the complicated field theory dynamics the gravity solutions have a simple structure. They feature the Ricci-flat non-Kahler metric on the deformed conifold and the imaginary self-dual three-form flux accompanied by a constant dilaton.