DEPARTMENT COLLOQUIUM | Solotronics: Manipulation, Control, and Applications of a Solitary Dopant Within a Semiconductor Speaker: Michael Flatte (University of Iowa)
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Wednesday, March 7, 2012
5:00 AM
340 West Hall
Speaker: Michael Flatte (University of Iowa)
Recently, it has become possible to identify the effects of a solitary dopant atom on commercial device performance, as well as locally on the fundamental properties of a semiconductor. New applications that require the discrete character of a single dopant, such as single-spin devices for quantum information processing, single-photon sources, or single-dopant transistors, demand a further focus on the properties of an individual atom in a solid that differs from the host constituents. Successes in observing, controllably inserting and manipulating single atoms in solids, as well as demonstrations of their use within novel devices and proposals for further utility, suggest the emergence of a new field of research: solitary dopant optoelectronics, or "solotronics". The focus here will be on an area of solotronics that has experienced rapid theoretical and experimental progress: the fundamental optical, electronic and magnetic properties of a single magnetic dopant in a nonmagnetic semiconductor, and the resulting potential applications.