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CM-AMO SEMINAR | An AC Magnetometer and Gradient Magnetometer Atom Interferometer

Tuesday, March 18, 2014
4:00 AM
335 West Hall

We  are  currently  developing  atom  interferometric  techniques  to  measure magnetic  fields  and  magnetic  field  gradients  to  high precision  and,  more importantly, in operationally hostile environments. In this talk, I will review the selection rules associated with driving the eleven Raman resonances in  85Rb atoms in an arbitrarily oriented magnetic field, and how to use polarization of the Raman fields to enhance or suppress desired transitions. I will then present the results  of well-known “clock”  transition  interferometric measurements made in my laboratory in both the time domain and the frequency domain. Similar  measurements  made  on  magnetically-sensitive  transitions  will be presented and discussed. The analogy between our measurement techniques and the famous Young’s double slit experiment will be highlighted. I will present the first measurements of interference from our gradient magnetometer. I will discuss  various  pulse sequences  and show  how they  can  be  considered  as  filtering  functions. Finally, I will compare and contrast well-known pulse protocols (Ramsey, Spin Echo and CPMG) on magnetic transitions.

CM-AMO Seminar listings for Winter 2014.

Frank Narducci (Naval Air Systems Command)