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CM - AMO SEMINAR | Higher-Order Constraints on Precision of Clocks of Neutral Atoms in Optical Lattices

Tuesday, November 18, 2014
5:00 AM
4246 Randall Lab (Note Room Change)

The recent progress in designing optical frequency standards with an uncertainty at a level of 10-17 – 10-18 requires unprecedented accuracy in estimating the role of higher-order uncertainties of optical clocks. The magic wavelength (MWL) of the optical lattice, capable to trap deeply cooled alkaline-earth-like atoms to a Lamb-Dicke regime, enables observation of Doppler- free and Stark-free clock transition between the ground state 1S0 and excited metastable state 3P0. In this paper, the difference between spatial distributions of electric-dipole (E1) and multipole (M1 and E2) is presented explicitly in two lattices: the attractive red-detuned and repulsive blue-detuned lattices. For simplicity, a 1D lattice is considered. Calculations of the clock-frequency shifts in trapped atoms are presented. The magnitudes of uncertainties are determined, arising from the nonlinear and non-dipole corrections to the lattice-induced shifts, which cannot be compensated by the MWL and therefore should be determined and taken into account in high-precision measurements of the clock frequency. We systematically evaluate the multipole, nonlinear, and anharmonic contributions to uncertainty of the optical-lattice-based clocks of alkaline-earth-like-atoms Sr, Yb and Hg.

Vitaly Palchikov (Russia National Research Institute)