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CM-AMO SEMINAR | Viscosity and Scale-Invariance in 2D and 3D Fermi Gases

Friday, January 25, 2013
5:00 AM
340 West Hall

Please note change of date and room.

Transport in strongly interacting quantum systems is of great interest
in diverse areas of physics — condensed matter, black holes and string
theory, quark-gluon plasmas and cold atoms — which, at first sight,
appear to have little in common. In this talk, I will focus on ultracold 
Fermi gases across the BCS-BEC crossover where there has
been an explosion of experimental and theoretical progress. I will
discuss exact viscosity sum rules [1] that relate transport, spectroscopy 
and thermodynamics, and their implications for the strongly interacting 
unitary regime in 3D. I will conclude with new insights [2] into the 
experimental observations of apparent scale invariance in 2D Fermi gases.

[1] E.Taylor & M. Randeria, Phys. Rev. A 81, 053610 (2010)
[2] E. Taylor & M. Randeria; Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 135301 (2012)
