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LIFE AFTER GRAD SCHOOL SEMINAR<br>Using Your Physics Degree at Internet & Tech Companies: Data Science and Predictive Modeling

Friday, September 27, 2013
4:00 AM
335 West Hall

Many subfields of physics, such as experimental high energy physics, have limited direct application outside of academia. However, in recent years, physics graduates have been highly sought for careers in data science, predictive modeling, and other computer programming and statistics-related jobs. I will share my own journey from studying HEP at Michigan and Fermilab to my self-study of the Netflix Prize, interviewing with Google, working at a large insurance company, and finally finding my dream job as a “Decision Scientist” for an internet marketing company. I’ll present a few tips and tricks for which non-physics materials to study, interviewing techniques, and deciding what type of company is right for you.

For more information about this seminar, please click here.

Dr. Glenn Strycker (ValueClick/Dotomi)