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ASTRONOMY COLLOQUIUM<br>Atmospheric Circulation Models of Hot Jupiters: Exploring Exotic Regimes and Predicting Observable Properties

Thursday, September 12, 2013
4:00 AM
807 Dennison Building

Hot Jupiters are relatively rare compared to other types of exoplanets and yet they have received the most attention from observers and theorists alike. This is in part because they are the best targets for atmospheric characterization measurements and in part because they are so unlike anything in our solar system that they present an excellent opportunity to expand our understanding of atmospheric physics. I will review the current status of observations of hot Jupiter atmospheres, with an emphasis on those pertaining to the three-dimensional structure of the planet. I will also discuss the development of atmospheric circulation models for this unique regime, from basic scaling-law predictions to complex models that include exotic effects (such as magnetic drag and heating). Finally, I will comment upon the new types of measurements that will be enabled by future instruments and how we can work toward a holistic understanding of these planets.

Colloquia are generally preceded by tea and cookies at 3:30 in the Owl room (Dennison 845). For more information, please contact
