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<b>Physics Olympiad at U-M</b>

Saturday, May 11, 2013
4:00 AM
Central Campus, University of Michigan (Randall Laboratory, Dennison Building and outside venues)

The Department of Physics will host its eleventh annual Physics Olympiad. Come to watch various high school science teams compete at U-M!

This year's Olympiad events include: Electric Drag Race, Katapult Range, Pasta Bridge, Small Hadron Collider, Super-Capacitor Launcher, ROG Ramble, and the Physics Bowl. Click here to find out more about the Physics Olympiad.

2013 SPONSORS: Center for Photonics and Multiscale Nanomaterials (C-PHOM), various physics faculty, the College of Literature, Science and the Arts (LSA), and the Department of Physics.