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LIFE AFTER GRAD SCHOOL SEMINARS<br><i>From Dark Energy to DARPA: What You Can Get Away with If You Have a Ph.D. in Physics</i>

Friday, January 18, 2013
5:00 AM
335 West Hall

What can you get away with if you have a Ph.D. in physics? (Spoiler:
A lot). In this talk I'll discuss some of the highlights of my career in
the decade since I received my degree.

Although my Ph.D. work was in theoretical astrophysics, for most of
the last decade I've worked in the defense industry, developing 
solutions to thorny practical problems for intelligence agencies, 
the Department of Defense, and pi-in-the-sky research outfits 
such as DARPA and IARPA.

I'll talk about the sorts of problems that are out there, what skills I
think are useful for doing science beyond academia, and how the 
industrial and defense landscapes are evolving.

Pizza and drinks provided.

Dr. Matthew Lewis (Michigan Aerospace)