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<b>Life After Grad School Seminar</b><br><i>There and Back Again: Industry as a Stepping Stone to Academia</i>

Friday, February 5, 2010
5:00 AM
4404 Randall

Speaker: Don Siegel (UM Mechanical Engineering/Applied Physics)

Professor Siegel just began his professorial academic career here at the University of Michigan this past fall. He has a Ph.D degree in Physics from the University of Illinois in 2001 (in computational condensed matter physics). After a post-doc position at Sandia National Labs and a brief stint at the US Naval Research Labs he spent four years as Technical Expert and later as Group Leader for Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Storage Materials at Ford Research and Advanced Engineering Labs. His career trajectory represents the “missing link” for those interested in career-path stepping stones to academia that pass through the industrial sector.

Lunch provided at 11:45 A.M.