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<b>Life After Grad School Seminar</b><br><i>Q & A Panel Discussion with Assistant Professors Elvang, Leanhardt, and Sih</i>

Friday, November 20, 2009
5:00 AM
4404 Randall

Speaker: Henriette Elvang, Vanessa Sih, and Aaron Leanhardt (U-M Physics)

Bring your questions about academic careers and talk to three professors who were recently successful in landing that tenure-track academic position. Assistant Professors Henriette Elvang (H.E. Theory, first year), Vanessa Sih (CMP, 2nd year) and Aaron Leanhardt (AMO, 3rd year) will each discuss something about their particular career paths to Michigan and offer insight to their successful search for a position in academia. Given the intense competition for such positions every little bit of advice (even if it pertains to a post-doctoral position as the first step) might make the critical difference. This will be the last LAGS get-together for this fall term. 

Lunch will be provided at 11:45 a.m.