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<B>Faculty Candidate Seminar</B><br><i>Probing Quantum Coherence and Ultracold Collisions with an 87 Strontium Optical Lattice Clock</i>

Thursday, February 12, 2009
5:00 AM
335 West Hall

Speaker: Dr. Gretchen Campbell (JILA)

At low temperatures, the Pauli exclusion principle suppresses elastic collisions between identical fermions, and this has been a strong motivation for developing atomic clocks using fermionic isotopes. At JILA we’ve developed an optical atomic clock with high accuracy and stability based on lattice confined 87 Strontium atoms. Recently, we evaluated the systematic uncertainty of the clock at the 10E-16 level, surpassing the best current evaluations of Cs primary standards. During this evaluation, a nonzero density shift was measured for our lattice-confined fermionic atoms. Using our high spectroscopic resolution we’ve completed a study of these fermi-fermi collisions, and have explored quantum coherence in a one-dimensional optical lattice.