Every gift makes a difference.
Gifts of every size help students every day. Gifts to our LSA Annual Funds not only provide vital support so that admitted students can enroll, but they also open up opportunities for internships, study abroad, and engaged-learning experiences that give our graduates a crucial advantage as they begin their careers. You can make a difference in a student’s life by giving today to one of our key support initiatives.
Here are two important ways to support students today:
LSA Fund for Scholarships
Your donation to the LSA scholarship fund helps ensure that every student can attend U-M regardless of their financial backgrounds. This fund is a top priority for the College, as about 70% of LSA undergraduates receive some sort of financial support through scholarships.
LSA Fund for Student Internships
Your support allows every LSA student the ability to pursue life-changing professional opportunities where they can apply what they've learned to real-world experiences. Last year, the LSA Opportunity Hub awarded over $1 million in scholarships to support student internship experiences. A gift of $3,500 supports a student working locally for a summer. Increasing your impact to $5,000 would support a student who needs to travel for their work, and a gift of $25,000 could fund internships for five LSA students.
Other important ways your giving can make a difference:
Dean’s Special Initiatives Fund
Gifts to this fund are a powerful investment in the leadership and vision of the college. They support a wide-range of LSA priorities: advancing game-changing research; increasing access; developing innovative programs and pedagogy; and providing a supportive environment where students can thrive in their well-being and academic success. Your support will drive creativity, connect our rich past to a boundless and bright future, and ensure that LSA’s strong legacy of exploration endures.
LSA Fund for Faculty Support
With your generous support we can bolster recruitment, retention, training, and research to keep top faculty at LSA. A gift of any size will have a tremendous impact on ensuring we support our talented faculty members in their teaching and research.
Please note that we continue to accept support for our two travel related annual funds, and they will be awarded as soon as students are able to safely travel again.
LSA Student Global Experience Initative
Your gift enables students to venture into the world and bring home new perspectives, unique understanding, and global awareness.
Contact us.
For more information, contact Michael Reed, Director of Annual Giving & College Connections via email: michreed@umich.edu
Print and complete this form and mail to:
University of Michigan
College of LSA
LSA Advancement
309 Maynard Street, Suite 200
Ann Arbor, MI 48104